Tennis on Campus

Tennis On Campus is perfect for busy college students. It’s a great way to play tennis competitively without the demands of varsity athletics. It’s also great if you’re just getting into the game. After all, college is a time to try new things. Enjoy a fun, coed format designed to accommodate all levels of play, with the top teams competing for regional and national championships. Tennis On Campus also offers team building and social networking opportunities.


Most importantly, Tennis On Campus provides a host of opportunities for team camaraderie, social networking and friendly competition. It can really help you stay connected to the sport and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle throughout your college years.


Click here to search for your team.

Attention 2024 TOC Teams

USTA has exciting new grant opportunities for TOC teams for the 2024 academic year including:

  • $1000 grant for new TOC programs that integrate onto the team platform in ServeTennis.

  • $500 grant for existing teams that integrate onto the team platform in ServeTennis. This includes secondary or “B teams”.

  • $300-$720 stipends to programs that play Adult Red Ball. See more information below.

Total incentive available is up to $1,920 per TOC program, and a $800 equipment package for Red Ball pilots.

Tournament Schedule


USTA Section





USTA Section





Fall Invitational: Fall Invitational 1

USTA Section



USTA National Campus

9/28 - 9/29


Sectional: Eastern Section Championships

USTA Section



SUNY Cortland

9/28 - 9/29


USTA Section

Missouri Valley


Plaza Tennis Center

10/5 - 10/6

USTA Section



University of Mary Washington

10/5 - 10/6


Invitational: Syracuse Invite

USTA Section



Syracuse University

10/11- 10/13

USTA Section



Burlington Tennis Center

10/19 - 10/20

USTA Section

New England


Smith College & Hampshire College

10/19 - 10/20


State: Mississippi State Championship

USTA Section

Southern, Mississippi


John Leslie Tennis Courts, Oxford, MS

10/19 - 10/20

USTA Section

Middle States


Mercer County Park Tennis Center

11/1 - 11/3


Sectional: PNW Sectional Championship

USTA Section

Pacific Northwest


Tualatin Hills Tennis Center



USTA Section



Broussard St Julien Park

11/9 - 11/11


Sectional: Northern California Sectional Championship

USTA Section

Northern California


Broadstone Sports Club

11/9 - 11/10


State: South Carolina State Championship

USTA Section

South Carolina


Lexington County Tennis Complex



Fall Invitational: Fall Invitational 2

USTA Section



UT Austin

2/15 - 2/16


Sectional: So Cal Sectional Championship

USTA Section

Southern California


Barnes Tennis Center

2/21 - 2/23


Sectional: Southern Sectional Championship

USTA Section



Mobile Tennis Center

2/21 - 2/23


Sectional: Midwest Sectional Championship

USTA Section



Nielsen Tennis Stadium (Wisconsin-Madison)

2/22 - 2/23

USTA Section



USTA National Campus

3/1- 3/2


Sectional: Missouri Valley Sectional Championship

USTA Section

Missouri Valley


Cooper Tennis Complex



National Championship: 2025 National Championship

USTA Section



Rome Tennis Center

Captains can earn more rewards!

Onboard everyone that comes to try outs and see below for the rewards you can earn!


Gift cards (Retailer TBD) will be issued to captains in the following denominations following Oct. 15th. This deadline will allow you to gather playersonto your roster during fall tryouts.

  • 10 players on your team’s profile:  $100 gift card

  • 15 players on your team’s profile:  $200 gift card

  • 20 players on your team’s profile:  $300 gift card

  • 25 players on your team’s profile:  $400 gift card

  • 30 players on your team’s profile:  $500 gift card

  • The first 10 programs to roster 200 + players on your team profile: $1000  gift card

A letter must be provided by your institution verifying that all players are enrolled at your university/college.


The Captain that rosters the most players nationwide within their team platform by April 2025 will receive the following US Open Package:

  • 1 session (4 tickets) -or- 2 sessions (2 tickets) to the 2025 US Open.

    • Session options to be presented to the Captain by the USTA National Staff.

  • 2 hotel nights (Room and Tax) at select NY partner hotel.

  • $100 US Open gift card

The bigger the roster, the bigger the reward!

How to apply for 2024 Grants

For NEW programs (institutions that do not have current Tennis on Campus programs), you’ll receive $1000 if you register your team through the USTA Serve Tennis platform. For EXISTING Tennis on Campus programs, you’ll receive $500 if you integrate your team into the USTA Serve Tennis platform. Existing programs that add a secondary team to their USTA profile (minimum of 10 players) are eligible for an additional $500 (total $1000 per TOC program). For example: Team A with 10 on the roster is eligible for $500, Team B with 10 on the roster is eligible for $500.

  • Grant Process:

    • Step 1: Reach out to your usta TOC section coordinator. Have them send your club officer an invitation to claim your team on the USTA team platform(highlighted in the video).

    • Step 2: Add a minimum of 10 players to a roster on your team profile(4 players for new programs, minimum of 20 ). For step by step instructions, please read this article.

    • Step 3: Complete this form after the above steps have been completed. If the form is completed before step 1 and step 2 are complete, your request will be voided.

    • Step 4: Your team profile will be reviewed by USTA to determine if your grant application is approved or denied.

    • Step 5: You will be notified of your grant status within two weeks of your submission.

    • Step 6: Upon your grant award notification, you will receive correspondence that lays out the final steps for receiving your grant.

USTA is excited to announce a new 3 hour coaching course for leaders who are interested in learning how to host organized play and coach tennis. More information.

  • Grant Process:

    • Step 1: Rally at least 20 enthusiastic participants to join the session. Whether they're members or non-members of your Tennis On Campus (TOC) team or university personnel such as recreation department staff, everyone is welcome to participate!

    • Step 2: Complete the form to express your interest and secure your spot.

    • Step 3: A dedicated USTA section representative will be in touch to schedule a Play Facilitator Coach Developer to conduct the workshop right on your campus.

    • Step 4: Once the coach course has been completed and confirmed by the USTA team, you will be eligible to receive the grant.

    • Step 5: Upon your grant award notification, you will receive correspondence that lays out the final steps for receiving your grant.

Option 1- Activations/Single Day Events

For this option, you will not receive the equipment package, so the equipment used will be whatever you have access to.  Regular tennis racquets and red balls in service boxes on tennis court, on pickleball court, or even a portable net in the quad space on campus. This is designed for maximum flexibility and your team can host this pilot anywhere on your campus. If your looking for a fun way to engage with the larger student body, this is a great option. A $300 stipend is provided for a minimum of 30 unique surveys submitted.


30 or more surveys =  $300 stipend


Option 2- Play Opportunity

The play opportunity option is more structured in the sense that multiple play sessions must occur to receive the stipend. For this option, your team can set 4 different dates before 12/31/24 for your team(or non team members) to play red ball. As an example, your team can plan 4 saturdays throughout the semester to put on a “club vs club” tournament. Invite the frisbee or soccer team to join you, mix up all players, and play a mini tournament.


  1. TOC Team offers a minimum of 4 play opportunities(must complete fourth play opp. by 12/31/24). 

  2. Ideal pilot includes 48 unique players participating by 12/31/24(minimum of 20 unique players).

  3. When the TOC team confirms their dates and sign ups, the equipment package (includes 2 Wilson 18’ nets, 24 Wilson 23” racquets and 72 Wilson red felt balls) and USTA pullover is ordered.

  4. Players are asked to participate in the pilot survey at the start of the last session using this QR Code so they can fill it out on their phone.

  5. Provider submits coach survey and the stipend is sent based on % of surveys submitted:


48 or more surveys =  $720 stipend

30-47 surveys =  $500 stipend

20-29 surveys =  $300 stipend



Grant Process

  • Step 1: Complete interest form.

  • Step 2: Once selected, you will complete a quick and easy orientation.

  • Step 3: Determine participant fee ranging between $5-$20 per session, and select from the following session types: 




  • Step 4: Create sessions on Serve Tennis in the Adult Red Ball application.

    • Offer a minimum of two 4 week sessions of 24 players (48 players total).

  • Step 5: Submit a post event survey (both from you and your players).