Resource Library
Access resources developed by the USTA and its partners to help you teach and develop players on and off the court.
Co-created by the USTA and SHAPE America, explore teaching resources developed with PE classes and teachers in mind. Middle and High School tennis coaches can also access tools to help run their season.

A curriculum designed for individuals with cognitive impairments. The philosophy of this curriculum was developed as an introduction to tennis for the first-time player with cognitive impairments and can be used across a large range of ages from five years old to adults.
The Community Station Signs are recommended for a newer, first-time coach to assist with the organization of larger groups.

This asset simulates lesson plans from the Net Gen physical education tennis curricula to help teachers learn how to organize both traditional and nontraditional spaces to deliver a tennis unit that is active, safe and fun for their students.

This guide provides insight on how to use the Net Generation Community Curriculum in a camp format. You'll have the opportunity to use it as a turnkey program or the option to take it piece by piece in order to provide the best experience for your campers.

Helpful tips that you can share with parents when they are evaluating junior tennis programs.

A print brochure describing the key aspects of the USTA's American Development Model (ADM).

A detailed report describing youth sports and the journey to attracting and retaining more players for a lifetime.
Tips for coaches running a 'No-Cut' High School Tennis Team.
Pre-season checklist for coaches running or managing a School Tennis Team.

Acitvity station cards for PE Teachers to use, specifically focused on Tennis Activities.

Standards-based, comprehensive, turnkey lesson plans for 5th grade and 6th grade.

Standards-based, comprehensive, turnkey lesson plans for children in 1st grade and 2nd grade.

A turnkey plan for your school tennis season. This manual is specifically for Middle and High School Teams, adaptable for any size team.

Standards-based, comprehensive, turnkey lesson plans for Kindergarten.
This High School Out of Season Play Plans provides tips for staying in shape and play outside of the tennis season.
This High School In-Season Checklist provides tips to prepare coaches and players for their tennis season.

Standards-based, comprehensive, turnkey lesson plans for children in 3rd grade and 4th grade.

Fitness activity station cards that can be used in conjunction with the Net Generation Schools curricula.

Standards-based, comprehensive, turnkey lesson plans for children in high school.

Running a tennis event? No court? No problem! If this is your first time running a tennis event or your tenth, this event planning guide will support you. Access downloadable planning worksheets, checklists, and learn best practices for promoting your event. A tennis event is not complete without activities. Use this guide for on-court and off-court activities to keep your players moving!