USTA Past Presidents
Immediate Past President Mike McNulty
Michael J. McNulty III of the USTA Southern section is currently serving as Immediate Past President of the United States Tennis Association. He served as Chairman of the Board and President of the USTA from 2021-22, when he also served as Chairman of the US Open.
He was also a member of the International Committee and the ITF Constitution Committee, and served two consecutive term on the Grand Slam Board. He served two consecutive terms on the USTA's Nominating Committee and the Constitution and Rules Committee, where he served as Vice Chair, and was also previously Board Liaison to the Adult Tennis Leadership Council and a member of the Budget Committee.
McNulty has a long history of volunteerism at the section and district levels. He served as President, First Vice President, Vice President and member of the Board of Directors of the USTA Southern section and as Section Delegate to the USTA. He served three consecutive terms as Chair of the Constitution and Rules Committee, Chair of the Nominating Committee and Board Liaison to multiple Committees. McNulty is the former tournament director of the BB&T Atlanta Open, a US Open Series tournament. He is a recipient of the USTA Southern Jacobs Bowl, the highest volunteer service award given by the Section. McNulty was a long-time USTA Louisiana volunteer where he served as President. He is a member of the Louisiana Tennis Hall of Fame and recipient of the President’s Award.
McNulty was a partner with the law firm of Plauche Smith & Nieset, LLC. He has recently taken Of Counsel status and is considered one of America’s top attorneys in insurance defense with specialties in construction and products liability.
2021-22 Michel J. McNulty III; Dr. Brian Hainline, 1st Vice President; Laura F. Canfield, Vice President; Violet Clark, Vice President; Brian Vahaly, Secretary-Treasurer.
2019-20 Patrick J. Galbraith, President; Michael J. McNulty III, 1st Vice President; Dr. Brian Hainline, Vice President; Laura F. Canfield, Vice President; Tommy S. Ho, Secretary-Treasurer.
2017-18 Katrina M. Adams, President; Patrick J. Galbraith, 1st Vice President; Joan E. Baker, Vice President; Mark D. Ein, Vice President; Thomas S. Ho, Secretary-Treasurer.
2015-16 Katrina M. Adams, President; Alexander Boyd Andrews IV, 1st Vice President; Thomas S. Ho, Vice President; Donald L. Tisdel, Vice President; Patrick J. Galbraith, Secretary-Treasurer.
2013-14 David A. Haggerty, President; Katrina M. Adams, 1st Vice President; Thomas S. Ho, Vice President; Donald L. Tisdel, Vice President; Patrick J. Galbraith, Secretary-Treasurer.
2011-12 Jon Vegosen, President; David A. Haggerty, 1st Vice President; Katrina M. Adams, Vice President; Carol J. Welder, Vice President; Donald L. Tisdel, Secretary-Treasurer.
2009-10 Lucy S. Garvin, President; Jon Vegosen, 1st Vice President; Joseph A. Grover, Vice President; David A. Haggerty, Vice President; Donald L. Tisdel, Secretary- Treasurer.
2008 Jane Brown Grimes, President; Lucy S. Garvin, 1st Vice President; Joseph A. Grover, Vice President; Donald L. Tisdel, Secretary- Treasurer.
2007 Jane Brown Grimes, President; Lucy S. Garvin, 1st Vice President; Gordon A. Smith, Vice President; Joseph A. Grover, Vice President; Donald L. Tisdel, Secretary-Treasurer.
2005-06 Franklin R. Johnson, President; Jane Brown Grimes, 1st Vice President; Lucy S. Garvin, Vice President; Gordon A. Smith, Vice President; James S. Chaffin, Secretary-Treasurer.
2003-04 Alan G. Schwartz, President; Franklin R. Johnson, 1st Vice President; Lucy S. Garvin, Vice President; Michael E. Kohlhoff, Vice President; Jane G. Brown, Secretary-Treasurer.
2001-02 Mervin A. Heller Jr., President; Alan G. Schwartz, 1st Vice President; Michael E. Kohlhoff, Vice President; Michael Mee, Vice President; Franklin R. Johnson, Secretary-Treasurer.
1999-2000 Julia A. Levering, President; Mervin A. Heller Jr., 1st Vice President; Alan G. Schwartz, Vice President; Barbara L. Smith, Vice President; Michael E. Kohlhoff, Secretary-Treasurer.
1997-98 Harry A. Marmion, Ph.D., President; Julia A. Levering, 1st Vice President; Joy D. Rodenberg, Vice President; Alan G. Schwartz, Vice President; Michael E. Kohlhoff, Secretary-Treasurer.
1996 Lester M. Snyder Jr., Ph.D., President; Harry A. Marmion, Ph.D., 1st Vice President; Jack M. Mills, Vice President; Joy D. Rodenberg, Vice President; Dwight A. Mosley, Secretary-Treasurer.
1995 Lester M. Snyder Jr., Ph.D., President; Harry A. Marmion, Ph.D., 1st Vice President; Richard D. Ferman Jr., Vice President; Jack M. Mills, Vice President; Dwight A. Mosley, Secretary-Treasurer.
1993-94 J. Howard Frazer, President; Lester M. Snyder Jr., Ph.D., 1st Vice President; Harry A. Marmion, Ph.D., 2nd Vice President; Dwight A. Mosley, Secretary; Mervin A. Heller Jr., Treasurer.
1991-92 Robert A. Cookson, President; J. Howard Frazer, 1st Vice President; David D. Healey, 2nd Vice President; Harry A. Marmion, Ph.D., Secretary; Lester M. Snyder Jr., Ph.D., Treasurer.
1989-90 David R. Markin, President; Robert A. Cookson, 1st Vice President; Leslie H. Jenkins, Ph.D., 2nd Vice President; J. Howard Frazer, Secretary; Barbara S. Williams, Treasurer.
1987-88 Gordon D. Jorgensen, President; David R. Markin, 1st Vice President; Robert A. Cookson, 2nd Vice President; Leslie H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Secretary; Julius Larkin Hoyt, Treasurer.
1985-86 J. Randolph Gregson, President; Gordon D. Jorgensen, 1st Vice President; David R. Markin, 2nd Vice President; Leslie H. Jenkins, Ph.D., Secretary; Julius Larkin Hoyt, Treasurer.
1983-84 Hunter L. Delatour Jr., President; J. Randolph Gregson, 1st Vice President; Gordon D. Jorgensen, 2nd Vice President; David R. Markin, Secretary; Julius Larkin Hoyt, Treasurer.
1981-82 Marvin P. Richmond, President; Hunter L. Delatour Jr., 1st Vice President; Gordon D. Jorgensen, 2nd Vice President; J. Randolph Gregson, Secretary; Julius Larkin Hoyt, Treasurer.
1979-80 Joseph E. Carrico, President; Marvin P. Richmond, 1st Vice President; Hunter L. Delatour Jr., 2nd Vice President; J. Randolph Gregson, Secretary; Gordon D. Jorgensen, Treasurer.
1977-78 W.E. Hester Jr., President; Joseph E. Carrico, 1st Vice President; Marvin P. Richmond, 2nd Vice President; Hunter L. Delatour Jr., Secretary; Leslie J. Fitz Gibbon, Treasurer.
1974-76 Stanley Malless, President; W.E. Hester Jr., 1st Vice President; Joseph E. Carrico, 2nd Vice President; Hunter L. Delatour Jr., Secretary; Marvin P. Richmond, Treasurer.
1974 Walter E. Elcock, President; Stanley Malless, 1st Vice President; W.E. Hester Jr., 2nd Vice President; Joseph E. Carrico, Secretary; Marvin P. Richmond, Treasurer.
1973 Walter E. Elcock, President; Stanley Malless, 1st Vice President; William J. Clothier, 2nd Vice President; Joseph E. Carrico, Secretary; W. Harcourt Woods, Treasurer.
1971-72 Robert B. Colwell, President; Walter E. Elcock, 1st Vice President; W.E. Hes ter Jr., 2nd Vice President; Stanley Malless, Secretary; J. Clarence Davies Jr., Treasurer.
1969-70 Alastair B. Martin, President; Robert B. Colwell, 1st Vice President; Walter E. Elcock, 2nd Vice President; W.E. Hester Jr., Secretary; J. Clarence Davies Jr., Treasurer.
1968 Robert J. Kelleher, President; Alastair B. Martin, 1st Vice President; Robert B. Colwell, 2nd Vice President; Robert S. Piatt, Secretary; J. Clarence Davies Jr., Treasurer.
1967 Robert J. Kelleher, President; Alastair B. Martin, 1st Vice President; Harrison F. Rowbotham, 2nd Vice President; Robert S. Piatt, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1966 Martin L. Tressel, President; Robert J. Kelleher, 1st Vice President; Alastair B. Martin, 2nd Vice President; Melvin R. Bergman, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1965 Martin L. Tressel, President; Robert B. Colwell, 1st Vice President; Robert J. Kelleher, 2nd Vice President; Melvin R. Bergman, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1964 James B. Dickey, President; Martin L. Tressel, 1st Vice President; Robert B. Colwell, 2nd Vice President; Melvin R. Bergman, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1962-63 Edward A. Turville, President; James B. Dickey, 1st Vice President; Martin L. Tressel, 2nd Vice President; David L. Freed, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1960-61 George E. Barnes, President; Edward A. Turville, 1st Vice President; James B. Dickey, 2nd Vice President; David L. Freed, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1958-59 Victor Denny, President; George E. Barnes, 1st Vice President; Edward A. Turville, 2nd Vice President; Charles H. Patton, Secretary; Harold A. Lebair, Treasurer.
1957 Renville H. McMann, President; Victor Denny, 1st Vice President; Pollard Parsons, 2nd Vice President; Charles H. Patton, Secretary; S.E. Davenport Jr., Treasurer.
1956 Renville H. McMann, President; Victor Denny, 1st Vice President; Pollard Parsons, 2nd Vice President; Percy C. Rogers, Secretary; S.E. Davenport Jr., Treasurer.
1953-55 James H. Bishop, President; Renville H. McMann, 1st Vice President; James B. Moffet, 2nd Vice President; Percy C. Rogers, Secretary; S.E. Davenport Jr., Treasurer.
1951-52 Russell B. Kingman, President; James H. Bishop, 1st Vice President; Renville H. McMann, 2nd Vice President; John C. Parry Jr., Secretary; S.E. Davenport Jr., Treasurer.
1950 Lawrence A. Baker, President; Russell B. Kingman, 1st Vice President; James H. Bishop, 2nd Vice President; John C. Parry Jr., Secretary; S.E. Davenport Jr., Treasurer.
1948-49 Lawrence A. Baker, President; Russell B. Kingman, 1st Vice President; James H. Bishop, 2nd Vice President; John C. Parry Jr., Secretary; Charles E. Hall, Treasurer.
1944-47 Holcombe Ward, President; Lawrence A. Baker, 1st Vice President; Chester S. Johnson, 2nd Vice President; William B. Kraft, Secretary; Russell B. Kingman, Treasurer.
1942-43 Holcombe Ward, President; Lawrence A. Baker, 1st Vice President; Charles S. Garland, 2nd Vice President; Gordon E. Small, Secretary; Russell B. Kingman, Treasurer.
1939-41 Holcombe Ward, President; Joseph W. Wear, 1st Vice President; Lawrence A. Baker, 2nd Vice President; Gordon E. Small, Secretary; Russell B. Kingman, Treasurer.
1937-38 Holcombe Ward, President; Joseph W. Wear, 1st Vice President; Lawrence A. Baker, 2nd Vice President; Ralph W. Westcott, Secretary; Russell B. Kingman, Treasurer.
1934-36 Walter Merrill Hall, President; Holcombe Ward, 1st Vice President; Joseph W. Ivy, 2nd Vice President; Ralph W. Westcott, Secretary; Lawrence A. Baker, Treasurer.
1933 Harry S. Knox, President; Holcombe Ward, 1st Vice President; Joseph W. Ivy, 2nd Vice President; Lawrence A. Baker, Secretary; Walter Merrill Hall, Treasurer.
1932 Louis J. Carruthers, President; Harry S. Knox, 1st Vice President; Joseph W. Ivy, 2nd Vice President; Lawrence A. Baker, Secretary; Walter Merrill Hall, Treasurer.
1931 Louis J. Carruthers, President; Harry S. Knox, 1st Vice President; Joseph W. Ivy, 2nd Vice President; Paul G. Gibbons, Secretary; Walter Merrill Hall, Treasurer.
1930 Louis B. Dailey, President; Louis J. Carruthers, 1st Vice President; James C. Stewart, 2nd Vice President; Joseph W. Ivy, Secretary; Donald M. Hill, Treasurer.
1929 Samuel H. Collom, President; Louis B. Dailey, Vice President; James C. Stew art, Secretary; Louis J. Carruthers, Treasurer.
1928 Samuel H. Collom, President; Louis B. Dailey, Vice President; Harry S. Knox, Secretary; Louis J. Carruthers, Treasurer.
1926-27 Jones W. Mersereau, President; Samuel H. Collom, Vice President; Harry S. Knox, Secretary; Louis B. Dailey, Treasurer.
1925 Jones W. Mersereau, President; R. Clifford Black, Vice President; Harry S. Knox, Secretary; Louis B. Dailey, Treasurer.
1924 George W. Wightman, President; Jones W. Mersereau, Vice President; Paul B. Williams, Secretary; Louis B. Dailey, Treasurer.
1923 Dwight F. Davis, President; George W. Wightman, Vice President; Paul B. Williams, Secretary; Louis B. Dailey, Treasurer.
1922 Julian S. Myrick, President; Dwight F. Davis, Vice President; Charles S. Garland, Secretary; Abner Y. Leech Jr., Treasurer.
1921 Julian S. Myrick, President; Edwin F. Torrey, Vice President; Charles S. Garland, Secretary; Jos. M. Jennings, Treasurer.
1920 Julian S. Myrick, President; Edwin F. Torrey, Vice President; George W. Wightman, Secretary; Jos. M. Jennings, Treasurer.
1919 George T. Adee, President; Julian S. Myrick, Vice President; Edwin F. Torrey, Secretary; Alfred H. Chapin, Treasurer.
1918 George T. Adee, President; Julian S. Myrick, Vice President; Edwin F. Torrey, Secretary; George W. Wightman, Treasurer.
1917 George T. Adee, President; A.L. Hoskins, Vice President; Edwin F. Torrey, Secretary; George W. Wightman, Treasurer.
1916 George T. Adee, President; A.L. Hoskins, Vice President; Edwin F. Torrey, Secretary; Richard Stevens, Treasurer.
1914-15 Robert D. Wrenn, President; A.L. Hoskins, Vice President; Edwin F. Torrey, Secretary; Richard Stevens, Treasurer.
1912-13 Robert D. Wrenn, President; H.W. Slocum Jr., Vice President; A.L. Hoskins, Secretary; Richard Stevens, Treasurer.
1908-11 James Dwight, President; Robert D. Wrenn, Vice President; A.L. Hoskins, Secretary; Richard Stevens, Treasurer.
1902-07 James Dwight, President; Robert D. Wrenn, Vice President; Palmer E. Presbrey, Secretary; Richard Stevens, Treasurer.
1899-01 James Dwight, President; Jos. S. Clark, Vice President; Palmer E. Presbrey, Secretary; Richard Stevens, Treasurer.
1898 James Dwight, President; Jos. S. Clark, Vice President; Palmer E. Presbrey, Secretary; V.G. Hall, Treasurer.
1894-97 James Dwight, President; Jos. S. Clark, Vice President; J.T. Whittelsey, Secretary; V.G. Hall, Treasurer.
1893 H.W. Slocum Jr., President; James Dwight, Vice President; J.T. Whittelsey, Secretary; V.G. Hall, Treasurer.
1892 H.W. Slocum Jr., President; H.A. Taylor, Vice President; J.T. Whittelsey, Secretary; V.G. Hall, Treasurer.
1891 Jos. S. Clark, President; H.W. Slocum Jr., Vice President; C.E. Stickney, Secretary; V.G. Hall, Treasurer.
1889-90 Jos. S. Clark, President; H.W. Slocum Jr., Vice President; V.G. Hall, Secretary; H.A. Taylor, Treasurer.
1888 R.D. Sears, President; Jos. S. Clark, Vice President; H.G. Badgley, Secretary; H.W. Slocum Jr., Treasurer.
1887 R.D. Sears, President; Jos. S. Clark, Vice President; H.W. Slocum Jr., Secretary-Treasurer.
1885-86 T.K. Fraser, President; B. Mostyn, Vice President; Jos. S. Clark, Secretary-Treasurer.
1884 James Dwight, President; B. Mostyn, Vice President; C.R. Farnum, Secretary-Treasurer (Resigned) R.F. Conover.
1883 James Dwight, President; Samuel Campbell, Vice President; H.W.H. Powel, Secretary-Treasurer.
1882 James Dwight, President; Samuel Campbell, Vice President; Murray Rush, Secretary-Treasurer.
1881 R.S. Oliver, President; Samuel Campbell, Vice President; C.M. Clark, Secretary-Treasurer.